Thursday, March 28, 2013

3-27-2013 letter


How's it going?! I'm still alive and kicking here in the great city of Yonkers, NY, and man is it a blast! Hard, weird, crazy, but oh so spiritual and uplifting all at the same time! Just to start this letter off with a bang, Elder Pickard and I have two (hopefully solid) baptism dates for April 7th and one a couple weeks after that! :D It's pretty sweet I think, and I'm super excited. Thank you for all of you who wrote me. You're all the best and I'm glad you're all well. I'll get on with sharing my past week and all the crazy, cool things that have happened.

3/20/13 I think this is where I left off...
But yes, today was good. Beautiful P-DAY and after our day of doing a lot of sleeping, we visited Hermana Ruth and had a lesson with her and her crazy kids, then we went to the Gonzalez to celebrate Hermana Ritchey's year mark with totally bomb food. It was a ton of walking since we didn't have the car that day, but we did it, and we even did both with the same member present and actually a recent convert, Stephen. He is nearly 16 been a member for a month and he just absolutely loves missionary work and so we love to just take him everywhere. He helps with the Spanish a lot of the time, and he helps to bring a huge powerful Spirit to all the lessons we take him on, he's truly fantastic.

All we did today was plan a lot, and we taught a new investigator, Gabriel, who is actually also an Englsih class student. He just wanted to learn what we were all about, but sadly he's a die-hard Catolico, and he says he was born in it, and he will die in it. There's a lot of those.

HOLY COW, today was  busy day! We did a lot of study, errands, and taught 3 wonderful lessons. The first was with Anna Maria for her 8 year old son Braylin about baptism because was getting baptized this Sunday (3/24). It was a great lesson and we shared a cool object lesson with the dish soap, italian seasoning, and a bowl of water and when you have the seasoning in the bowl of water and the soap on your finger and you touch that finger in the water, the seasoning flies to the sides symbolizing the cleansing power of baptism. We then taught Hermana Gari who bought us Subway (it was sooo good, and so well received by us haha) about the blessings and revelation we get from general conference which is coming up. Then we had a call from Stephen who said he was bringing by two friends for us to teach, so stay at the church. We taught Wassif who is Muslim, and Olivia who claims to be agnostic. WOW, what an interesting lesson. They both enjoyed the first lesson and Olivia even came to church and had a Spanish translator as she speaks English. We are actually having both the Spanish (us) and the English elders teach tonight and we are passing Olivia to them. She is so confused but so ready to do what is right. I can feel it and I'm excited.

Today was disappointing. It was rainy, and miserable and we had the weirdest experience. This black guy on the street came up, had us kiss his cherries and he kissed us on the forehead and was muttering stuff. Hmm, haha, I have no idea. Let's just pretend this day didn't happen.

Sunday!! Today was so good, but crappy too. We had two baptisms today after church and then, we had a solid dinner appt. cancel on us after we walked like 4 miles. BLeggghhhh.... I'm trying to stay at 180 lbs, but it's hard.

Monday was fantastic. We taight a ton, and had FHE with Judy Rodak and her daughter Sasha. We made shakes and had good tacos, it was nice and we shared messages in Spanish and English cause the English elders came.

Alright, I'm running out of time, I love you all and expect a ton of pics and whatnot next weekkk!!

Elder Buckley

P.S. I love Spanish. 

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